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The Logbook

Clear skies and nearly empty boat.

by the First Mate

More of our belongings came off the boat today. Luckily we have had clear, bright skies and little rain to contend with while chucking our worldly belongings into the back of a pickup truck.  

Today I picked up the rest of the food stores that I was unable to remove yesterday plus our dishes, pots and pans and the first wave of boat gear; foul weather gear, boots, harnesses.  Tomorrow I will be picking up the first tool in this project and begin removing the lamps, clinometer, barometer, thermometer and anything else mounted to the inside of the hull.

We will be washing, sorting and closely examining the value of each and every item before it is loaded back aboard.  As always, books will be the hardest to cull.  

There are only a few beloved items on board that will always make the cut.  Poor Teddy has seen some better days.

Got a phone call this morning (on MLK Day) that our materials shipment arrived on the barge, five days earlier than anticipated. We should have everything off the boat by Wednesday.

It only gets busier from here.

If you missed Chuck's radio program today, here is the link.

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"Jim's book is thoroughly, entertaining and honest and for us to be included is an honor. 

If you dream of sailing off into the sunset after you retire we suggest "Sailing into Retirement" is a must read."

Chuck and Laura

Fellow shipmate, Fran Taylor, writes about her many adventures as crew sailing aboard different tall ships and she mentions one voyage in particular  during her time aboard HMB Endeavour where she meets a couple on their honeymoon.  Read the humorous tale of the seasick groom and how a new "private signal" was born among the Endeavour crew.
The first book I read after moving aboard Lealea.  A wonderful journey that got me dreaming.
Looking for a read that will make your stomach hurt from laughing?  This one did it for us!  A definite page turner.
-Chuck and Laura

"This Old Boat" If you can only have one book on sailboat maintenance aboard, this is the one.

-Chuck Rose

"This old boat" If you can only have one book on sailboat maintenance, this is the one.
Chuck and Laura

“The Ashley Book of Knots” by Clifford W. Ashley is, quite simply, the definitive work on knots.  We think if you have more than a passing interest in marlinspike seamanship or decorative knotting this book is pretty much a “Must Have” This book is a high mass volume. 
                       -Chuck and Laura
Fran Taylor was born and grew up in Scotland on the banks of the River Clyde.  She has sailed all over the world in a number of “Tall Ships” and has had a number of articles published. She is a regular on the guest  speaking circuit around Perth where she lives when not pursuing her dreams and answering the call of the sea. In 2012 she took part in the Titanic Memorial Cruise, a special event to commemorate the 100th
anniversary of the sinking. This book tells that story.
The story of Margo Wood and her husband Charles who began the "Charlie's Charts" cruising guide series. When her husband passed away she began to sail as a singlehander.   A wonderful story about a lady I admire a lot. - Laura  
An excellent read for anyone interested in single handed sailing. An inspiration for women. Anne had quite an adventure and this book is especially interesting to Albin Vega owners.- Chuck
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