"Jim's book is thorough, entertaining and honest and for us to be included in this entertaining read is an honor. 

If you are getting ready to retire or dream of sailing off in to the sunset we suggest "Sailing into Retirement" is a must read."

Chuck and Laura

updated  12/17/17

The Book Locker 

When it comes to cruising essentials, things that no cruising sailor would leave port without, books come very high on the list.  As in most cruising boats there are reference books and publications, of course, and informative nonfiction as well as novels of nearly every genre aboard Lealea.  When departing on a voyage we try to begin with two or three fresh books each in addition to our standing reference library.  This page serves two purposes:

First, it is an easy way for us to share our favorite books.

Second, it is a great way for us to point to authoritative sources for answers to the most frequently asked questions we get.

Third, (I know, but work with me here) we just love books and this will be a good chance for us to talk about the books we have read.

Click HERE to enter Lealea's Book Locker.

“The Marlinspike Sailor” by Hervey Garrett Smith is one of our favorite books on knots and working with rope. Good seamanship in this one as well as some fun and decorative projects. The only downside is that Smith wrote before the era of ubiquitous double braid polyester. Still there is a wealth of information on the most basic of seaman’s skills. -Chuck and Laura
“The Ashley Book of Knots” by Clifford W. Ashley is, quite simply, the definitive work on knots. We think if you have more than a passing interest in marlinspike seamanship or decorative knotting this book is pretty much a “Must Have” This book is a high mass volume. -Chuck and Laura